ASAP Taxis Isle of Wight Hassle Free Taxi Booking APP

Download our Taxi Booker APP Below...

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Download the APP

After downloading enter our business name (ASAP Taxis) into the search field. Then simply press select. You will only need to do this once.

an iphone screen showing asap taxis selected company app

Create An Account

Simply create an account and after that everytime after you simply need to just sign in. Please note that we do not require a credit or debit card. You pay the driver direct after each journey in the cab by cash, contactless or any phone banking app.

a mobile phone screen showing how to create an account witjh asap taxis

Make A Booking

Here you can make a fresh booking, review your up and coming trips or see your past journeys. You can also view your account details, change password etc and apply any other settings as you require.

a mobile phone screen showing how to make a booking with asap taxis mobile taxi app

Book Your Taxi

After you have selected your pick up point and destination, number of persons travelling, you are happy with the quoted price and the ETA then press book.
You can also prebook by pressing Time and also choose to pay the driver by cash or using a card reader, contactless etc.
There will also be a link which if pressed you can send to friends, parents or anyone of your choosing which alows them to Track Your Ride.

a mobile screen showing a booking page on asap taxis booking app

Hail A Cab

Once you have opened up the APP, by tapping on any of the vehicles (coloured black) which you see on the screen you just Hail that vehicle just as you would hail down a taxi in the street.

mobile screen showing how to hail a cab using asap taxis booking app