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Here you will find the latest news and views of taxi related issues on the Isle of Wight. Also news from the East and West Cowes area that directly or indirectly affect us here in the taxi trade.

Fixed Price Fares For ASAP Private Hire Cars

a woman paying by phone in a taxi

As of the 1st of June 2022, as most people now know, the Isle of Wight council introduced a fare increase for all metered hackney carriages and private hire vehicles with meters fitted.

We have decided to use our 4 seater private hire cars as fixed prices and also for all of our other vehicles of over 4 seats discounts may be given. All you need to do is ask!

If you want to take advantage of our discounted fares then please let us know when you are booking your taxi or private hire with us.

As a reminder you may pay in our vehicles by cash, Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, Google Pay or any contactless device or card. (Sorry not Amex at this time).

by ASAP, 10/06/2022

Cowes/East Cowes Floating Bridge

image of the cowes to east cowes chain ferry on the isle of wight

The Isle of Wight's troubled floating bridge should be returning to service just before Christmas according to the Isle of Wight council.

The council have said that the upgrades were made to improve reliability especially including to the prow which has caused most of the recent failures.

The IW council have stated the the service would resume on the 13th of December 21.

Phil Jordan the cabinet member for transport has said "The extent of the damage has led to a prolonged period of repair but I'm pleased to say we have dealt with those in a prompt and efficient manner".
We will wait and see!

by ASAP, 12/11/2021

New Ryde Pier Charges

image of ryde pier on the isle of wight

As many of you will now be aware, Wightlink are introducing a new pier toll as from Sunday 15th of September 2019.

This means that if you wish us to drop you off at or collect you from the catamaran it will rise from its present £1 to £2 or £1.30 if paying by contactless ie: card or smartphone.

We will endevour to always pay the charge by contactless method which will mean that the cost to you, our customers, will only rise by 0.30 pence.

It has been stated in the past that taxis are exempt from this charge but this is not the case, we have to pay the same as anyone else has to.

This will all come into effect from 4pm Sunday 15th of September.

by ASAP, 09/09/2019

Uber Isle of Wight

persons hand holding a smartphone with the uber app login page shown

Do you have Uber over here, or when is Uber coming to the Island?

Apart from Peter Kays "have you been busy tonight"? these are two of the questions that I and other taxi drivers get asked quite a lot, often just as we arrive to pick up them up and they have been staring in disbelieve at there smartphone screen for half an hour or so!

Well to clear this up and set the record straight right away the answer is no, Uber are not here and to be honest I cannot see them coming here anytime soon. Read More

by ASAP, 10/07/2019

East Cowes Taxi Rank Latest...

two taxis on the taxi rank at east cowes

Despite the East Cowes taxi rank looking like a building site and demolition yard, which technically it is, the rank is still in operation.

You are still able to use the rank as you would do any other taxi rank on the Island.

It is still located right outside of the Red Funnel East Cowes terminal building next to the site of the former White Hart Public House.

If no taxis are there just give us a call on 01983 244444.

by ASAP, 28/03/2019

Isle of Wight Taxi Fares "Update"...

some english pound coins on a wooden table

Following representations from both taxi drivers and proprietors here on the Island made to the Isle of Wight council, the licensing committee has agreed that the proposed fare increase is at this present time unworkable.

Therefore the current fares/tarrif will remain as it is and a new proposal will be made ready for consultation sometime in May of this year.

We hope the new proposals will be much more realistic and keep the fares roughly to what they are now. We will keep you updated on this as soon as we know.

by ASAP, 26/02/2019

Isle of Wight Council Taxi Fare Increase

view of the former white hart public house taken from the red funnel ferry

As most of you will have probably read or heard, the IW Council intends to increase the taxi fares sometime in March or April 2019. The proposed increase will be 10p per mile with an increase from a £3.00 start to £3.50. Ok, that is fair enough. But, they also intend to start tariff 2 at 8pm instead of 10pm as it is now.
This is something that myself and a lot of the drivers from across the Island that I have spoken to are against, although obviously not all.
If the council go against the advice from some of the drivers then we at ASAP will not start tariff 2 at 8pm but keep it at 10pm as it is now. I believe it is just to much what they have proposed.

by ASAP, 09/02/2019

Latest on the East Cowes Taxi Rank

view of the former white hart public house taken from the red funnel ferry

At this present time it will seem that the East Cowes taxi rank is set to remain in its current location, outside of the former White Hart public house.
The demolition work is set to start early in 2019 but if anything changes before then we will as always let you know as soon as we know.

by ASAP, 26/11/2018

East Cowes Regeneration Plans Off

view of dover road east cowes looking towards red funnel terminal

The planned multimillion pound regeneration of East Cowes today (20/11/2018) lays in ruins after the Hong Kong backers, Victoria Quay Estates pulled out of the project.
VQEL has claimed that it cannot reach a commercial agreement with Cowes Harbour Commission. It has also blamed 'difficult market conditions.'
The Red Funnel development of it's ferry terminal however is still set to go ahead on schedule.

by ASAP, 20/11/2018

Dover Road Development

view of dover road east cowes looking towards red funnel terminal

The planned Dover Road / Red Funnel development appears to now be underway. All of the properties that have been marked for demolition have now been vacated.
Over the past couple of days red and blue pavement markings have also appeared outside the former White Hart and in the lane behind.
As of yet we have no knowledge of where the taxi rank will be locted to but we will let everyone know as soon as we do.

by ASAP, 17/11/2018

Out of Service From 7pm 19th April 2018

the east cowes floating bridge

The floating bridge is again out of service for tonight, Thursday 19th of April from 7pm. The bridge has been taken out of service for routine maintenance and the passenger launch is operating next to Red Funnels marshalling yard.

by ASAP, 19/04/2018